

This paper discusses the effects of filtering visual short wavelengths on circadian photic phase resetting, and how this spectral modulation may attenuate both circadian phase resetting and acute responses to broad-spectrum polychromatic light.


Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses how the filtering of visual short wavelengths can affect circadian rhythms, which are crucial for cognitive function and memory.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper's discussion of circadian rhythms and their resetting is relevant to sleep patterns and potential treatments for insomnia.
Alertness and performance: The paper's findings on the effects of light filtering on circadian rhythms could have implications for alertness and performance, as these are influenced by our internal body clocks.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper's examination of the effects of filtering visual short wavelengths from polychromatic white light is relevant to considerations in lighting design.
Phototherapy: The paper's findings on the effects of light filtering on circadian rhythms could have implications for phototherapy treatments.


B Gladanac
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