

The paper investigates the effects of bright morning light exposure on parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system activity at night in elderly women with dementia, finding that it reduced sympathetic nervous system activity and enhanced parasympathetic nervous system activity, improving cognitive function.


Dementia: The study focuses on elderly female patients with dementia, investigating the effects of bright morning light exposure on their autonomic nervous system activity at night.
Alzheimer's disease: The paper mentions Alzheimer's disease in the context of dementia, noting that more women are affected by dementia than Alzheimer's disease.
Cognitive function and memory: The study finds that bright morning light exposure improved cognitive function in elderly women with dementia.
Aging: The paper focuses on elderly women, discussing the impact of aging on dementia and the potential for bright morning light exposure to improve cognitive function.
Phototherapy: The study uses bright morning light exposure as a form of phototherapy to investigate its effects on autonomic nervous system activity at night in elderly women with dementia.


CR Liu, TBJ Kuo, JH Jou, CTL Lai, YK Chang, YM Liou
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