

This paper investigates the effects of Bright Light Therapy (BLT) on mood and sleep in healthy students, suggesting that BLT could be an effective intervention for improving mood and sleep disturbances in the healthy population.


Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses the use of Bright Light Therapy (BLT) as a potential intervention for improving sleep disturbances in healthy individuals.
Mood regulation: The paper explores the impact of BLT on mood regulation, suggesting that it could be beneficial for improving mood disturbances in the healthy population.
Phototherapy: The paper focuses on the use of BLT, a form of phototherapy, as a potential intervention for improving mood and sleep disturbances in healthy individuals.
Education and learning: The paper specifically targets students as a population that could potentially benefit from the use of BLT to improve mood and sleep disturbances.


R Jurriens

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