

This paper discusses the development of an optogenetic inhibitor that can disrupt GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions, which are implicated in various diseases, and its potential applications in understanding and treating these diseases.


Alzheimer's disease: The paper discusses the role of GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions in Alzheimer's disease and the potential of their optogenetic inhibitor in treating this disease.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper discusses the role of GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions in cognitive function and memory, as they are implicated in diseases like Alzheimer's that affect these functions.
Cancer treatment and prevention: The paper discusses the role of GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions in cancer and the potential of their optogenetic inhibitor in treating this disease.
Depression: The paper discusses the role of GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions in depression and the potential of their optogenetic inhibitor in treating this disease.
Phototherapy: The paper discusses the use of optogenetics, a form of phototherapy, in disrupting GαqGTP-PLCβ interactions and its potential applications in treating various diseases.


S Ubeysinghe, D Kankanamge
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