

This paper discusses the importance of visual comfort in the workplace, specifically in Malaysian shop offices, and how artificial lighting can affect job satisfaction and performance.


Employee satisfaction and retention: The paper discusses how visual comfort, achieved through appropriate artificial lighting, can affect job satisfaction and performance in the workplace.
Alertness and performance: The paper explores how different levels of illuminance and correlated colour temperature (CCT) can affect employees' alertness and performance.
Cognitive function and memory: The paper mentions that poor visual comfort can affect cognitive performance and decision-making abilities.
Depression: The paper discusses how poor lighting conditions can contribute to symptoms of depression and negatively affect mood.
Sleep and insomnia: The paper discusses how lighting conditions in the workplace can affect sleep quality and circadian rhythms.
Lighting Design Considerations: The paper focuses on the importance of appropriate artificial lighting design in the workplace for enhancing visual comfort and productivity.
Well-being: The paper discusses how appropriate lighting in the workplace can affect employees' overall well-being.


TH Ping, RA Majid

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